Sunday 4 December 2011

Thailand. Last day.

I've been on the road for the whole day: buses, ferries, planes... My trip has ended: i have thousands of pictures (am thinking about releasing a small photo-book), lots of nice memories, lots of things i could finally think about.
When i'm back i'll write another post with some interesting facts or situations that happened while in Thailand, also things i've noticed. Wait for it!

And for now: waiting for my boarding to Riga... Still sitting in Istanbul.

Saturday 3 December 2011

Thailand. Day 10.

Today we went on a tour around the island. The guide was terribly polite, but could barely talk english which disappointed us a bit, because there wasn't any group for this tour, just two of us, so we were looking forward to it and were hoping to ask all questions we had and listen about the island, but all we got was his silence. 

We again could ride an elephant! Yay! But this time we had to be ridden so to say, because the elephant-boy would sit on its head and lead the way. Our elephant was adorable though!! A 33-years old female with really soft skin which was surprising for me. I was used to really rough skin, but she was different. Also, she had nice character and could growl in a burping way. Well, all of them could... I didn't know that! She did that couple of times while i was on top of her and it all vibrated as if she turned on an engine. 
Also we got to see the biggest waterfall in Koh Chang and swim there... Really cold water!!! I guess because it's a river, so its water doesnt' get really warm. But it was fun...
We could also explore some river in kayaks, but since we didn't wanna get lost, we turned around after a while and came back on the same route. There wasn't any guide or any signs, so when we arrived at a spot where we had the ocean on the right and 5 different ways on the left, we turned around. Kayaking's fun, but not so fun when you don't know where you're going and where are you supposed (or allowed) to go. Besides, we didn't have safety vests. 

Koh Chang is really beautiful though... Some parts are really untouched by human (or barely touched) and it's lovely!! We noticed that more than half of the shore is still for sale and smiled to each other about it. Maybe one day we're gonna eat coconuts from our own plot? Who knows. If i would be rich, i would buy the whole island and just do nothing - for sake of keeping the nature as it is. It should be awesome to have a small shed there with 3 walls, cause i wouldn't bother building all 4 of them, wake up when the sun is already up high in the sky and eat coconuts and bananas. Ha! At least i know how my dreams of empty yet amazing days could/should look like now.

What i have noticed over time is that thai people are pretty heavily tattooed which is quite the opposite if you think of Japan. People there don't do that so much (yet). Although i don't really like skinny guys today i couldn't stop starring at one of them at the waterfall. Somehow the nature of him made my eyes stick to him. Sitting on the rocks at the waterfall, diving into the water every now and then, chatting and well... being tattooed so well! Sexy.
I've seen some older people tattooed as well which would mean that it's not just the youngsters doing that. My mom would just shake her head, but i see that as art! Some of them really are. And their style is so totally different from ours. I wanted to take that guy at the waterfall back home! Of course not everything is so good as you might think. After a while a really young thai girl came to swim. She was adorable, but had terrible tattoos - a cartoon like red devil and an angel which somehow looked stupid in comparison to the guy. Well, everyone has their own taste. 

Today is the last evening here... so we had our supper (last supper) on the beach at that lovely cafe and of course i ordered ice cream in coconut again and got even bigger coconut than yesterday!! I now feel like stuffed turkey and am listening to the waves crashing on the shore. It's beautiful out here... 
By the way, water's moving here! In the evening it starts to sink a little bit and in the morning it comes back to the shore where it stays for the whole day and then i goes back again. Interesting!

Tomorrow we'll be taken to the Bangkok airport and fly to Istanbul where we're gonna wait almost 10 hours until we're going back to Baltic states. And then, just couple of days more and i'm at home. It's been great, but the timing of this vacation is the worst ever! 
By the way, i finished my second book. What am i gonna do in the airport?????!!!! 

Thailand. Day 9.

Pure relaxation for me. 
That’s how it’s been today... No tours, no sightseeing, no walking to the town and back - just simply bathing in the ocean, lying in the sun and trying to make my mind empty. 
Water’s great here and i wish i could erase my memories of drowning back when i was a kid and enjoy it completely, because right now, no matter how much time passed, i am still cautious about swimming and especially diving (cautious so badly, that i basically don’t dive anymore) and cannot really let myself go even though i just love being in water! 
When i am here, far away from the real life i have back in Germany, i’m creating plans how to stay here and leave Leipzig, how to travel for years and i’m busy with deciding whether staying in Leipzig for another couple of years is the right choice. I do know i wanna go and explore, but something’s telling me i should do what i’m about to do in Germany, which however binds me to it for at least couple of years or so. 8th of December is going to be the final day to decide. We’ll see... I have the right to call it off any minute. (And no, it’s not marriage for those who are asking themselves whether i’m getting married. And no, i’m not pregnant.)
In the evening i had a crazy food festival down at the beach. I simply love the place there: it’s so cozy you can almost overdose on it! So we stayed for the whole evening and just enjoyed amazing food they serve. The last dish was coconut filled with ice cream, and i do mean FILLED completely to the top of it and it’s just 2€!! How awesome is that?? When/if i’m coming back here, the first thing is gonna be order Coconut Surprise (that’s how the dish is called). 
Tomorrow we’re going on a sightseeing tour around the island. I hope it’s gonna be nice, cause i’m wasting my precious time for doing nothing on that! Just kidding. I’m looking forward to it! We have to pack soon and gonna leave on Saturday... Someone, marry me here or take me as a hostage?

Thursday 1 December 2011

Thailand. Day 8.

Early in the morning we left mainland and went to an island called Koh Chang, which would probably mean Island of Elephants and i think i'm in heaven now...
Although there's no elephants around where we live, but there's the ocean which we see from our room, there's nearly white sand on which we now can lie the whole day (since we don't have any tours) and there's really good food and - most important - peace. Our hotel is not on a street, so we don't hear anything and even if it would be near some road it would still be pretty peaceful - the island is not really big and not stuffed with tourists and people who want to sell something for them. It's a really blissful island, lots of wild nature, lots of crazy sounds in the evening that you barely could describe or assign to any kind of animals you know, the hotel is just lovely - really well made with really friendly service and reaaaally good food (i think i have already mentioned that...). 

There's not so may people and i really enjoy it! If you see 4-5 people on the beach, it's already a lot. I immediately found a place i like to be at - it's simple swings almost completely in the water, so it's fun! It's gonna be just relaxing i guess and swimming in the ocean for now, which is good. I do need to relax. We read that this island is really pretty "fresh", since they even didn't have electricity 20 years ago. I do love seeing how green and pure it can be. Not exactly at the hotel though, but if you look further or just drive somewhere - it's amazing. I am gonna try to come back one day... 
I wish i would be crazily rich, so i could have massages every day and drink fresh coconuts, but i'll be rich in my imagination and will try to gather as much of good memories as possible. 

The whole place is not crowded and really cozy: they have lights in the trees, origami cranes, lots of plants and orchids, and even some dogs and cats which i love to pet and cannot just walk on if i see them. 
I do wish though my mom could do more on her own and gave me some peace and time for myself. It's hard when she's always around and even if i get 30 minutes without her that's about the minimum i need in order to be able to start calming down. I did go back to work to Germany (mentally), because i had to do some planning and counting, so it's been somehow productive day in comparison to the rest. I think i could get used to working in a room with a huge window facing the sea and listening to the waves crashing on the shore and exotic animals. 

I will try to grab my camera for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and do some macro shots, maybe i'll find something nice to look at. But on the other hand - i would love to take those 3 days i have now and just use it for pure relaxation. Do nothing and gather some strength for coming back, because i'll need it. Definitely. 

Waiting for tomorrow!