Thursday 24 June 2010

The starting point.

By typing in the title in english i've already decided which language is gonna dominate in my blog.
Today is a starting point for all of this. I've been thinking bout creating a blog for some while now, but i never dared to sit down and just do it. Well, today it's time for my first post. I think i'm already pissing people off by renewing my status in facebook every hour, so my addiction can now go to blogging. Who know's, maybe it's even gonna lead me to somewhere... Maybe my blog is gonna be one of those super popular ones that every one knows about. Probably not tho, but that still doesn't take away that thrill completely, when i think: what if.

I have no idea at all what should i write about, so i'll just let it be my second diary. But then again, not as intimate as a real one should be, since this is WorldWideWeb after all. I wouldn't like some perverts reading into my private issues.

I'm still not sure about this whole idea, because sometimes i just wanna hide from every one and then i just simply disappear for months, so you never know when my next post is gonna reach this cyber world.
There are tons of those trashy blogs filled with all kinda nonsenses, so i do hope mine isn't gonna turn into something like that.

After writing couple of lines i started asking myself, why today? Why not yesterday or not next week... Well, maybe it is just another way of running away from my preparations for the exam that's gonna take place next tuesday. I do have to learn, pretty badly as a matter of fact, but i just keep on doing every possible thing but learn: i went to take some pictures, then i found myself retouching those pictures, then i even ordered a pizza (!), which i barely do at all, i also cleaned my apartment, spend HOURS just staring at the screen, then watched anime and finally decided to start a blog. That's how my brain works today: just picking up anything i might do so i can postpone my studies. But then i try approach myself pretty directly by asking one simple question: "what's gonna happen if i fail?" Oh boy, i would be mad at myself then, so as difficult as it can get, i have to overcome that laziness and move my ass to the books sooner or later.

Anyway, *trying to push the annoying thought about exam* maybe i should read a horoscope for this week since many things are happening... Not just this blog is new for me. This week kinda marks the end of my preparations for the exam, also i had my last working day in June; this week, yesterday to be precise, i got my camera that i've been dreaming about for a while, which makes me totally overjoyed. This week also i payed my fee for the membership of WWOOF Japan, so now i just have to get in contact with those people who are looking for some workers and off i go. Yesterday evening i also had a pretty heavy, difficult, complicated and very much open conversation with my special one. It did totally bounce me off the ground tho... But thanx to that, i got to fall asleep with birds greeting morning and with light blue sky and dawning day behind my window.

It is hard to concentrate for me now, because i have so many things going on in my head, that i could start writing about different subject every 30 seconds. So every time i have to catch myself and drag back to the core of this first blog. Anyhow, first blog shouldn't become too long, right? So i guess that's my first step into this blogging labyrinth and we'll see how it goes from here.

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