Monday 8 November 2010

Pumpkin cupcakes!

Yesterday i made pumpkin cupcakes and the recipe was all mine (came up with that while doing homework)... Just combined what i think had to be combined, and you know what? It turned out just beautifully! I was happy about the texture, about the form and, of course, about the taste. Baking wasn't my strong point a while ago, but i tried and tried over and over again and lately my baking's getting better. Finally! In the past weeks i made really delicious cookies and a nice tender apple pie... This week i'm up to bread pudding with custard cream and cinnamon pound cake. We'll see how that goes... I do have some more ideas which are a little bit more complicated, but since i wanna get in better shape before winter sets in, i should get easy on sweets, right? 

Practice makes perfect after all...!

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