Sunday 7 November 2010

Knowledge after good lunch.

Today i understood one thing completely after eating nice warm kebab for lunch. 

You know, if you want something and it's not getting out of your mind - JUST DO IT. That's the easiest way... Couple of days back i went into this junk-food mode, when i wanted pizza or kebab soo badly (the rest of junk food i don't eat...), but i told myself that it's not a good idea and tried to forget about it. The result was pretty bad... Yesterday i ended up in overeating - i ate basically everything i had at home and i didn't feel full but at some point i did feel sick! Despite that, i still was thinking about pizza. 
I guess my calorie intake was outrageous and if there would be a record of overeating on totally random food it would have to go to me. The last thing i ate was dry instant cocoa powder used for drinks - how pathetic. 
So today when i again started making plans of what i could eat INSTEAD of what i actually wanna eat i felt the urge rushing back to eat pizza or kebab, and so i just got my jacket, shoes, money and went across the street to grab myself a kebab. I did want to skip all the meals today, since i sinned yesterday, but then again i decided it's not a good way and i should just forgive myself for yesterday. After all, that kebab did make me feel full - finally!!!  There's not that much bad food when it comes to common sense (except mcdonalds, "dead" food, modified one and so on...), there's just bad amounts of it. And i know i'm not one of those who tend to overeat and i'm not obese, so why not cut a slack every once in a while and enjoy? 

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