Tuesday 29 November 2011

Thailand. Day 6-7.

Day 6. 

The last few days were pretty quiet. Nothing really happened. 
It's getting really boring for me without people of my age or any good buddies... I  at least have free wi-fi, so i can spend my time writing my blog, surfing through facebook or just doing... well i guess nothing more to do. 
Would love to just go and sit in the sea with a coconut in my hand and couple of friends around me (or my special one which i don't even have!) or go to a club, or simply lie on the highest floor (they have a small terrace), stare at the starless sky (it's too light out here) and chat about everything and nothing with my friends. None of which is gonna happen. 

Yesterday we went to some kind of crocodile farm with elephants and lots of flowers, wild roosters and swings where i spent lots of time, since the park was way smaller than expected. "At least they have flowers" i thought while putting my macro lens on, but soon i came to realize that even though it looked like lots of flowers, it was basically the same one everywhere, so i just sat down in the shadow and thought and talked to my mum when she joined me. I got to hold a baby tiger in my arms, but it was pretty hungry and not really calm which for me made it look way cuter, but for the rest it looked like a scary beast when he was growling (or actually crying out, since he still couldn't growl). I didn't even touch the rest of the animals, cause of the stupid short chains... Some of the animals were still doing ok-ish, but a bear that they had could barely move, so i just saw it and walked further. 

The crocodile show was really stupid, the guy just walked around, stuck his head into crocodile's jaws couple of times and asked for tips.  I don't like those kinda shows in general, but this was just foolish... i took a couple of pictures for my father and left before the rest even got off their seats. 

The evening was really quiet. After walking around in the streets without any goal or destination we went back to hotel and i managed to spend the rest of the evening at the computer. I told my mom also that it's not interesting at all to be with her all the time, so she booked some more sightseeing tours. We'll at least have something proper to do. 
What's really striking me is girl business here. I couldn't count anymore how many (especially) old men buy them. You should just go out and most of the guys you'll see will have a thai girl on their side. Most of the guys are already old, some of them already hardly walking - but a thai girl as a must! I guess there's nothing wrong with that in itself, but when you see hundreds of them just in couple of minutes it makes me sad and feel sorry for those people. 
I wonder how much is a beautiful thai girl out here?

Day 7. 

Another stupid day is over... 
I even don't have anything to write about! That's definitely not the vacation i have expected. Well it is nice, but i guess the thoughts that are bothering me buzz inside my head every morning when i wake up and every evening when i have a free minute, so it messes up with my vacation. 
Since i have so much time lately, i can think about lots of things or i would say, many things come to my mind and asks me to think about them and wants my attention. Some of the topics want more attention than the rest. I am however making some decisions, but really slowly. For some real decisions i would need some time off, but my mom wouldn't do much alone. So everything's just buzzing around in my head and cannot come to peace until i haven't decided on things. 

Today we spent most of our day for sightseeing or visiting places, doesn't matter how you call it. Another park with animals and plants, which made me rather sad. And this time - really sad, i even started crying in the middle of one show! 
We went to Nong Nuch - a place with lots of gardens and fake animals (really stupid idea to make flamingos out of plastic and call that area flamingo garden). Most of the gardens were closed or so tiny you barely can see the difference between all of them, so the time passed really fast although when we looked at the map before entering we were worried if we're gonna make it in time.  

After taking a short walk through Nong Nuch it was time for shows: thai dances, thai box and elephant show. Thai dances were quite nice and i quite enjoyed it, thai boxing was really disappointing since it was just a show and wasn't real fighting. Not that i like fighting, but if it's thai boxing then it should be real. I even didn't bother taking pictures after realizing it's fake. 
The next show (and thank God the last one there) was the elephants' show. It was indeed impressive how much an animal can do, they could paint and play football and it was nice on one side, but on the other side it crushed me from inside... It's all business here in Thailand, it's all just money-making. There's no love towards animals, or appreciation or even caring. When my mum said we're going to Thailand i was hoping i could go to some kinda village in the middle of jungles and see some real pure nature, play with tigers and go swimming with elephants, but all i've seen was how to make money with animals and how to scream at them if for example an elephant doesn't sit down on a chair - as if he had to do it! It made me sad so badly i started crying and had to pull myself together. My mom noticed that and agreed very much. It was sad too look at the chains of all those animals - big and small ones. Even though Thailand is not expensive and you can get some cheap clothing, i don't think it's gonna be a country i'm in love with. Or if it's as i have wanted all the time, then the agency and marketing made a huuuge mistake somewhere. 
There's lots of russians here and they don't really care about that. It's all about spending money for them or getting drunk or seeing tigers do tricks, so i guess it's a lovely place for them. Lots of shops and bars have things written in russian, thai people would talk to you russian first and then say "no speak english" if you asked them to repeat it in other language than russian. So this commercial Thailand is good for them, but for me it's not the nicest place. 

I found some peace in the aquarium we went to afterwards, it was quite relaxing and interesting to watch - boy can i watch fishes for ages or what? Unfortunately, the tunnel we went into came to an end after maybe 10-15 minutes walking which was way too short for me. And a short tunnel meant long evening doing nothing for me. 
So, here i am - writing my blog in Thailand, surrounded by hotel guests in the lobby, most of which are russians or indians. I've already packed my stuff since we're leaving to another location tomorrow. It's gonna be a smaller island and i do hope i will find at least a little bit of nature i've wanted and so i'll be able to have my peace over there. I'm cautious though and do not put any high hopes in the rest of the trip, so i don't have to be disappointed anymore. 

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