Friday 2 July 2010

Milly's Chicken Marinade

Well, since couple of people praised my marinade and one of my friends asked for the recipe, i decided to simply put it online, so more people could profit from it! I also personally think that this marinade indeed turned out very well which is a nice thing, since i'm bad with meat.
I used to be vegetarian almost all my life, but then i had to start eating meat when i turned 18 because of some medical problems. So i started eating chicken and turkey. Nothing more thought... Even when i'm asked whether i eat poultry, i say no, because well, if i say yes - i lie, since i hate any other meat than chicken and turkey. For instance, duck doesn't smell nice, doesn't look nice and is totally fat.

Anyway, lets go back to the topic of this post. It's difficult to write it down into a recipe while not doing it and it sure is difficult to write how much do you need of this and that, since i just follow my instincts. But i will try!

Milly's Chicken Marinade:

500g crushed tomatoes (it really has to be like a puree)
2-3 TS original mayonaise (don't take the salad mayo!)
1 TS lemon juice (concentrated one, not the one you can actually drink) or you can press half of lemon by yourself, which would be even better
2-3 big onions
1 garlic head
black pepper, salt
2 TS honey
basil OR (!) oregano, don't mix them together, you should go for either of them

It's not difficult to prepare it, just pour the tomato puree into a big bowl, add mayo and stir it well. Cut onions in really fine cubes and crush garlic, add both to the bowl. Then, add pepper, salt and lemon juice, stir it well again. Then the magic ingredient - honey - comes to the game. Add it to the bowl and stir the mixture, until honey dissolves completely. Add lots of basil OR oregano as the last step.

There you go! You're ready to put chicken in it.

It is quick to prepare and it doesn't require much time to marinade. 1 hour already does the trick. However, it can stand up to 24 hours in the fridge. Don't overdo though, since there's a lot of onions in this marinade and the more time goes by, the more bitter it might get. (if you marinade it for more than 24 hours).

TIP: It's best if you marinade the chicken in a sealed plastic bag in the fridge at least for 1 hour.

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