Wednesday 28 July 2010

Day 7.

Today was a big day. (After already 6 big days...)

I again had pretty bad dreams. Probably because of my sunburn (which is actually getting worse and worse every day) i dreamt that my friends are burning to death, which wasn't that pleasant to remember in the morning. And my alarm went on exactly at that moment, when someone wanted to tell me how to stop the burning process and save my friends. I also went to sleep pretty late, because i was writing my blog (this keeps me from sleeping :<), but i have to say that i rested pretty good. Natsuko left in the morning for her job, but her parents brought me to the station and we said our goodbyes. I am visiting them again in September and i'm already waiting for that! Her mom asked me really much, to not just meet with Natsuko in Yokohama, but also visit her at home, which i'm gonna do without any doubts. (And not just because i left some things behind...)
That family is really amazing, they're sucha warm people! I really felt like at home and still cannot believe i had to leave. Natsuko's mother told me that maybe they are gonna visit Germany next year, which would be really exciting. I already mention that in my other post, that i come to find similarities between japanese and true lithuanian people, which surprises me. But then again, usually a true lithuanian is a really kind person, helps all the time when you're in trouble, shares his last piece of bread - that's what i've seen when i was growing up and i'm happy that i didn't grow up in Vilnius (our capital city), where everyone's sucha snob, or Kaunas (another big city), where everyone barely has values and drinks, smokes and fights (of course, not every single person, but you get my point). Nowadays, those kinda species are becoming extinct, but i'm happy that i can still find people like that.

I left Yokohama in the morning and moved to Hino, where i started my first wwoof'ing day. It is pretty interesting here. The place is really nice and spacious, they have nice garden and the house is filled with small thingies, which is sooo like me! There are many other wwoofers: 2 girls from Austria, 1 guy from U.S., 1 british guy and, surprise, surprise - 1 guy from Leipzig (!!), a city where i live in Germany. And he's even living in the same district like me! That's just unbelievable. So maybe we will be able to meet each other back in Leipzig when we go back. Anyhow, right now i'm trying to speak as much as possible japanese and i spent the whole evening playing with small children and talking every once in a while with the host family in japanese. German speakers tend to form one group and speak german all the time... even at the table, where also some english speakers are present, they tend to speak in their native tongue. I cannot say it's just bad, nor can i judge it, because i'm sure it's amazing to be able to speak in your own native tongue, but i'm here for practicing japanese, so i'm not gonna stick to them all the time.

I didn't work too much today, because i arrived just before the lunch break, so i had just one half of the working day. It seems it's gonna be pretty hard work, but when it comes to working hours it's really convenient for us, workers: we start at 10 oclock in the
morning, have our tea break at 12 oclock, our lunch break at 15 oclock and finish at 18 oclock in the evening. All breaks are
around 1 hour long, so it's not too bad... Today we prepared bread and did some weeding, which actually a little bit shocked me. Trimming here consists of basically cutting down all those beautiful trees and plants and it was sad to watch how much we cut. Then, we had to weed the flowers, but it was sucha mess there, that we could barely make the distinction between flowers and weeds, so, to be honest, we didn't overdo and took it rather easy. I liked baking bread more, although that chore has also some distinguishing marks. We do that outside, so you really don't wanna know about the hygiene there. Of course, we wash the dishes and utensils, but it is fucking outside! So with every gust of wind dust and everything else just comes floating in the air. Japan is really highly developed country in so many ways, but you still can see many things that are so primitive and so shocking! If you had a bakery like that in Germany or Lithuania, you would be closed in twenty seven seconds and get a fine on top of that. Also utensils and tools they use, those kinda things you might see just in the museum in Europe. I will make some pictures during my stay here, so you can take a closer look and understand what i mean. Japan is just a country of huge differences. I never quite realized, that in Japan a toilet needs electricity!!! And instruction how to use it... I mean, i've always seen it but it kinda didn't get to a realization point, because it's just sooo wicked! But yeah, that's Japan, huh?

The house of the hosts itself is also, well, interesting. I'm also gonna make lots of pictures so you can at least see it by yourself. They have lots of books, which i actually like, so i'm gonna ask them if i can read some of them. The household is not big: a married couple, the oldest son (still not married) and yesterday we also had daughter in law with two children of hers. There is also a dog! He is by the way really cute, but pretty fat even though he's just 2 years old. When i arrived i immediately got two surprises: first of all, out of the blue i heard german language and at the same second i felt wet dog's nose sniffing around my face.

Somehow i feel that this summer is gonna be the best in my 20 years of life! Which makes the whole year one of the best years, despite all that shit i had this year... I already have many good memories from the whole year, but this summer is gonna be the top! I guess i'm gonna meet many more people which makes me happy. My bread for my soul is communication and when i lack that, i start withering, but lately i've been shining brighter and brighter every day. The fact makes me happy again, and then i start shining even more so it's like chain reaction. People tend to forget about communication and managing healthy relationship because of all this hectic around us. It's a pity, that relationship suffers and not something else. But that's the way it is - being a human starts being a luxury.

Today i had a brief chat with my special one... We still have some issues in our relationship. For me the biggest issue is that our relationship doesn't feel like a relationship anymore and that hurts. It doesn't weigh on me as badly as it could get, because i'm enjoying Japan, being pretty busy, exposing myself to different things and, to be honest, trying to block all kinda negative vibes coming from all those issues, arguments, misunderstandings. But it is still somewhere there in my head and sometimes it gets out and makes my lips get tighter, so i cannot smile, it makes my heart beat slower and my mood go down. It is difficult, because we're confronted now with many different problems, which makes everything even more complicated. Sometimes my faith starts fading away, sometimes it's felt really strong, but mostly it feels just strange.
For me, i'm still in relationship and i behave myself as occupied. But if a right person would enter my life, what would i do..? That's the question that's bothering me lately.

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