Saturday 10 July 2010

While miso soup and rice r getting ready.

Don't expect anything much from this post, since it's just one of those post, where i wanna simply say i'm still alive, but there's not much meaning in it.

Leipzig continues to suffer from the heat... we're having around +37 degrees Celsius ( around 99 degrees Fahrenheit) every day so it's barely possible to stand it - even with short skirt and a plain tank top you're sweating like a pig, so i always have to sit at the fan. My cats are all the time just sleeping somewhere on the floor in the shadow (mostly in the kitchen where they can cool down their bodies on the tiles) and i would like to take a cold bath until this summer is over. And one thing i can tell you for sure: having your period in summer with this terrible heat isn't too nice. But probably i should save the details for myself...

The situation with me and my special one is still complicated, but right now i don't feel like updating you in that topic, maybe it's too hot, maybe i'm just not in the mood or maybe i'm still too much confused by myself and there's difficult to write about it, so i guess you'll have to wait.

Anyway, i have some more news that are not connected to our relationship, so i can take a break from that and be happy about other things. For instance, i already have two confirmations from WWOOF hosts in Japan - one in Hinoshi near Tokyo (for map click HERE) in a bakery and sweets factory, another one in Omaezaki near Shizuoka (for map click HERE), i also got confirmation from one couch surfer and he said i can stay all those days that i was planning at his place in Osaka (for map click HERE), because i want to travel a little bit in Kansai, which is visit Osaka, Kyoto, Nara and maybe Mie, i will try looking for another couch though in Kyoto just for two days, because it would be more convenient for me and also i don't want to cause too many problems by staying the whole week at one place. I still have to find the last place to wwoof in Kansai and then i'm ready to go. I already have found a guy who can take care of my cats for all those months, so i'm really excited already. In 11 days i'm gonna be walking in Japan again and that's just freaking me out!!! First of all, i'm gonna stay in Yokohama and Tokyo (i don't think i need a map for that...), so everyone feel free to meet me, if you by any chance are there also. I still have to do lots of things before i leave and that worries me a little bit, but i know i'll make it. I'm working until 15th of July and then i have 5 days for preparations...

Well, it's time for me to go to work AGAIN. I went this morning and was surprised to realize that the plan has been changed and i'm starting my shift just in 3 hours, so i didn't have anything else to do but go back home for another while.

Have a wonderful day, everyone!
Your Dandelion.

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