Thursday 1 July 2010

Dreadful day.

I even don't know where to start...

The very morning started with a huge fail. After waking up, i did laundry, dressed in my jogging outfit, took my iPod and... FELL ASLEEP. I woke up then at 11 am in my sport clothes. I was pissed at myself immediately and didn't wanna do anything anymore.

Apparently this morning i forgot my birth control pill, which means that no fun without rubber next week. I had to forget exactly now, when it's just 3 fucking days left!!! So in those couple of days that i can enjoy until my red days start i'm gonna be forced to think bout the rubber all the time... Exactly now when my bf is coming after two months of not seeing each other, and afterwards i'm leaving to Japan which means we're not gonna see each other for another 3-4 months. Well done, Milly...

What i also today forgot is to eat properly... So i spend most of the time being hungry. And thanx to this terrible experience, i promised myself to never skip meals again! Yes, i did gain a kilo or two in the last week, coz i was stuffing myself with all that nutritious food, so my brain can work properly for the exam, but i don't have to torture myself now and starve to death... But yeah, of course i'm happy to mention that i gained that unwanted weight in summer. Splendid, huh?

The evening didn't bring enlightenment even though i cleaned my flat nicely and could relax, instead it brought me a giant headache, which is still present. It's like my head's gonna explode any second now.

Another thing came to its climax today. My cat, who is wandering all around the roof (i'm living on the last floor), pooped in the water pipe under my neighbor's kitchen's window and they just totally hate me now. They already did, so Shaya (my cat) just gave them an excuse this time. Now i'm kinda being forced to put nets all over my windows and balcony, so the cat cannot escape. How stupid is that??? I'm thinking about moving actually, but everything's buzzing in my head so intensely i cannot think at all.

I started making my internet page which was supposed to be a good thing, but it's so fucking difficult, that it's no fun at all. I spent hours on it and still didn't get what i wanted... Tiresome.

Even though i'm watering my balcony plants regularly they're totally withering... Today one of them died completely. Hip hip, hooray!

Just before i wanted to go to sleep, i kinda grabbed my bf's attention, coz i wanted to chat with him so badly! Even thought he is supposed to come here in couple of days, i just wanted to say hi to him... Everything ended in a huge huge fight.

And so here i am, crying and writing my blog without any dignity left in me after today, restless, with aching head, still hungry, pissed at myself that i forgot my pill and i still have to write all those emails to arrange my working and staying in Japan!!!!! It's just impossible today... I had to do it yesterday, but today's passed and i'm still not done with it. I'm spending my time now for this blog, which no one reads.

Tomorrow i'm working. Maybe it'll help to take my mind off certain things. Like my bf, our relationship (really difficult relationship at the moment...) and my cats...

Good night, world. Hope you had a lovely day, coz mine just sucked!

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