Sunday 25 July 2010

Day 4.

Today i had a day, when everything made me happy, or i happened to find things that could make me happy. Either way, it's really nice.

The beginning of the day was rather clumsy. I slept really long, so when i woke up i had to do everything really fast: eat, take shower, get ready for the day and go go go go go! We still had to take care of some things before we went to the train, so we really had to be quick.
Together with Natsuko we met Mihoko today. She had her birthday, so it was nice to have dinner together and do some catching-up, since i haven't seen Mihoko for a year. (Maybe i should come more frequently to Japan?) We didn't congratulate her when we met, because we wanted to keep that as a surprise for longer.

So first, we went to the ferry wheel of Yokohama, which was quite interesting and gave me a good idea for working in Japan. They had some kinda photographer at the entrance, who takes pictures of the customers if they want to and then they can get the picture. It's nothing serious, but it would be a good starting point. I guess i would do just about anything in Japan, because it's so hard to find any job at all as a foreigner, so you have to be happy if you get some place. But working plans are gonna wait until at least next year, because right now i have neither time, nor any chances to get a job.
After the ferry wheel, we went to Sweets Paradise Buffet to grab dinner. Well, it wasn't a regular dinner, since we mostly ate just sweets, but they had some pasta and curry rice, so we did
eat some proper food as well. But besides the normal food, we stuffed ourselves with cakes, ice
cream and jelly.
We managed to grab Mihoko from the table, well, Natsuko managed to do that, and i stayed, because i had to put the candles on the "b-day cake". Since we didn't have any cakes by then, i
used the croissant Mihoko took and simply like that, a regular croissant became a b-day croissant! Later on, she told us, that it's gonna be a memory she will keep for the rest of her life. I really hope so!!! I'm happy she liked it.

Even though we didn't do that much today, i still feel a little bit tired. So i'm happy the evening brought us some wind. That heat really has the ability to tire you... Besides, every day we're doing something after all, so it's a lot to handle if you compare that to some lazy summer days, when you're just lying on the couch, reading a book or watching television the whole day. But this is so much better!

So today, during our small B-day gathering, i found three places in Yokohama, where i definitely wanna come back!

This is on top of my list. It's a shop filled with goodies in South & Central American style, and it's all handmade! They have clothes, shoes, accessories, bags, carpets, lamps, beddings - basically, everything. And it is a shop, which matches my style - i dare to say that - completely. The prices are not low, but i think it's ok for goods like that. The quality seems to be really good, they're really original and beautiful and the whole shop feels so cozy! I couldn't make pictures of the shop itself, because it's forbidden to photograph in the whole building, that's a pity, but maybe i could go there again and ask them really nicely!

I bought a nice big bag, because i was looking for one for a while and wristband. For the bag i payed over 30 Euros and for the wristband - around 3 Euros. The bag wasn't cheap, i know, but i think it's just adorable! It's gonna definitely be something that reminds me of that shop for a while...
You can find the shop in World Porters in Yokohama. If i remember correctly it's in the first floor. World Porters Mall is just next to the ferry wheel of Yokohama, close to Minato Mirai. If you like original handmade goods, this shop is a MUST for you! You can find more diverse shops in that mall and i guess, it might be one of the best shopping malls ever.
You can visit the internet page of Titicaca Shop here:

2. 洋光台の100円ショップ - 100 Yen Shop in Youkoudai.

Don't laugh at me, i know what you're thinking. There are 100 Yen Shops like e-ve-ry-wheeeaaa, and indeed you are right. But, oh my dear reader, 100 Yen Shops like this one are not everywhere! This one you can find just right next to the Youkoudai Station in Yokohama. Go out of the station and turn right, it's in the second floor of Peacock supermarket. It is really big and it has really nice things, not just some colorless crap. It has huge household section,
where i just melt and also fair accessories department. I bought handmade foot bracelet made in Bali, India; bear ears as hair pins (those are just too adorable!!!), an incense holder and soy sauce dispenser. I am gonna buy some bowls and more kitchen utensils later on, because today i was in a rush.
Coming back to this shop when i'm in Japan would be tricky if i'm not in Yokohama, because if i'm in Tokyo, it would be quite expensive to come down to Youkoudai. So i have to use the chance now! But if you're living, visiting or staying in Yokohama, you really want to go to this 100 Yen shop, believe me.

3.sweets paradiseブッフェ - Sweets Paradise Buffet (All-you-can-eat restaurant).

This is a great place if you like sweets and you want to enjoy them with or without occasion. You are paying fixed price which is 1480 Yen and you're allowed to stuff yourself as much as possible. You have some savory things like 4 types of spaghetti, salads, miso soup, rice and curry sauce, you can drink anything you want from, i think, 6 or 7 types beverages, also you

can choose different sorts of tea. And then the best part: you can eat cakes as much as you want!! Really! They have maybe 20-30 sorts of cakes, then you can also find some of japanese
sweets, jellies, fruits and waffles. Now, sit down and read this: they have a chocolate fountain!!!!!!! That's just totally amazing! You can dip marshmallows, crackers or waffles there. You can also enjoy soft ice cream in 3 different tastes. The bad part is, that you can stay just for 70 minutes if it's crowded. But my strategy kinda worked: i didn't eat in the morning too much, so i could have some space for all those yummies.

You can find it in the new high building just next to the Sakuragichou Station in Yokohama. Just go up to the 6th floor and enjoy the sweets! If you get a table near the window, you will be able to enjoy this beautiful view:

Even though Yokohama differs from Tokyo rather greatly, i really come to like it. I found many small places i would like to go back, and next time i'm in Japan, i'm 100% going to Titikaka shop! In Tokyo you have the quantity, but not all the time the quality, which sometimes isn't that nice, if you're looking for something special. Although, that Soys Cafe in Azabu-Juuban is just amazing! I guess, a little bit more of time in Japan and i will make a list of places i love visiting not as in sight-seeing, but as in buying souvenirs or clothes, getting a cup of tea or a nice snack, eating out or just visiting with friends.

I have just couple of days more in Yokohama and then i'm leaving to Hino to work... This week was definitely nice vacation for me. I still haven't found a host in Kansai and that worries me a little bit, but i'm not loosing my faith. In the worst scenario, i'm gonna stay at Natsuko's and help out her mom, just like she said. It's not that i wouldn't like doing that, because i would, but i hope i could find a host in Kansai, because i want to visit Kansai so badly! I'll keep you updated in any case... Good night!

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