Thursday 22 July 2010

Day 1.

So, my first day is done... I again got to notice how fast it gets dark here, since the sun goes down rather fast. I'll have to get used to it again... The heat is again a challenge for me, i have to admit, but i think i'll get used to that faster than the last time. It does kinda bring memories and i feel happy, no matter how hot it is. The weather forecast brought news about rain and storms, so we'll see how it goes today. The heat in itself is not a big problem, but the stickiness just drives me crazy!! All my clothes, even my underpants seem like glued to my skin. Very uncomfy...

Today, by the way, i'm going to Tokyo. Together with Natsuko we're gonna visit the embassy, where we worked last year. Most of the staff is on vacation, but there's gonna be at least couple of them, so i suppose it's nice to say hi. On Saturday we're gonna visit one zoo here in Yokohama (pictures pictures @__@!!!), on Sunday we're meeting another friend, who also lives in Yokohama and she has her b-day, so it's gonna be fun! Monday is also for a small sight-seeing, we're going to a nice park and maybe visiting one old temple. I have the whole day for myself on Tuesday, because Natsuko's working, so i'm gonna be on my own. I should meet another friend, who's living in Yokohama, but i haven't called him yet. Have to do it fast, though...

I feel really welcomed at Natsuko's house and i'm really grateful for that! Yesterday i've been making some pictures of her house, but i haven't finished yet. Hopefully i have some time soon, so i can finish it up and when i retouch the pictures, i'm gonna leave some of them to her family here... Just yesterday i mentioned, that i'm in love with raw fish and in the evening we had sashimi for the supper. I was so impressed! They are really warm and nice people.

The more time passes by, the more i feel like i've never left Japan. It seems like i just went to sleep yesterday evening, then wake up this morning and i'm still in Japan, like any other day one year ago. It's strange. Even though i still have the language barrier, i feel like i've always been here and wanna stay for way longer than these 2,5 months. So i'll have to use my time wisely. It feels nice, when i know what to do in certain situations and i remember how unsecure i felt the first time in Japan. So i'm definitely improving!

When i arrived to Japan, i got a really cheap ticket from Narita to Yokohama, so i was pretty happy about that, even though i had to switch 3 trains. I also was travelling on the route where there's no foreigners (or at least not many), so i got lots of attention immediately. It was so strange to meet Natsuko after almost one year, but at the same point it again felt like i never left Japan for good, it seemed like any other meeting. We went to eat at a nice buffet, where you can stuff your belly as much as you want and still pay a fixed price, so we used the opportunity very well indeed!

Yesterday we didn't do much actually, but i already spent lots of money just because of my stupidity. First of all, i left my camera charger at home (which normally NEVER happens) and i just had to buy it, because i would rather choose starving than not taking pictures. I expected it to be way cheaper. Along with the charger i bought a second battery, because i was planning on doing that. The price got me by surprise tho... Anyway, something happened, that i couldn't even imagine! I got a gift as a sign of "Japanese hospitality", like the shop assistant told me in pretty good english. I was looking for a new camera case, but couldn't find the right one: all of them were either too big, or too small, besides they were pretty expensive. And then he came to me with a new case, which was branded EOS Digital, so it is official Canon case and suggested to try it out. It fit perfectly and looked good and then the unbelievable part came: he said, it's a gift, i can keep it for free. And this again reminded me, that Japan is a country, where anything can happen. Anywhere. And anyhow. It is important that you open up to the culture and turn on all your receiving points, so anything can come to you and you're ready to take it.

On our way to Yokohama station we met an interesting guy from U.S., he's in military, but now just learning in Japan. He's also living in Yokohama, so maybe we're gonna meet again... Who knows. I'm leaving to Hinoshi on Tuesday and before that i still have lots of plans like i mentioned above already.

Yesterday we found a nice household utilities' shop in Yokohama station, it's called On&Off, but i'm gonna upload pictures later! Just one funny thing - i found a german dishwasher which in Germany is really usual (i also buy it) and not expensive. Here it's around 9 Euros!!!! Soooo wicked.
I couldn't resist Melon Pan (melon flavor bun, which is i think pretty much typical japanese, since i haven't seen that anywhere else), so i had to buy those and i was lucky to find a nice bakery in Yokohama station which was called Pompadour. I liked not just their goods, but also their concept on one thing - every time you don't take that plastic bag from the bakery, you get a stamp and when you get enough stamps, you can get bread for free! Isn't that nice? Very environment-friendly. Uuuh, boy, do i like those small nice Japanese shops!


I started sleeping proper again, which is really nice, but yesterday i even couldn't finish my blog. That's how much i was tired, my eyes just kept on closing, so i decided to spoil myself with some good quality sleep. I again go to sleep around 23 oclock and wake up around 7 oclock in the morning. Anyway, i notice that i ten to get tired rather fast and i guess it's because of the heat, but it should get better with time, as i adapt to the climate. Besides, it should get slightly colder in September. I took my yoga book, so maybe i'm gonna practice it a little bit, when i'll have some more time next month. If i don't cook outside :)

Well, i think i'm gonna get ready for Tokyo now, so have a great day, guys!

Pompadour Bakery (@ Yokohama Subway Station):


  1. Ich kann das deja vu erlebniss voll gut nachvollziehen.
    also das du dich fühlst als wärst du nie weg gewesen
    wenn ich heute an tokyo zurückdenke weiss ich echt noch alles, ich könnte in meinem kopf noch von setagawa irgendwo nach shinjuku gehen und wüsste noch wo alles ist... es war einfach so toll

    schon krass wie japan einen prägt!

  2. tja.. japan ist schon was besonderes. aber das gefuehl ist voll krass!! ich werde wahrscheinlich wieder nen kulturschok bekommen, wenn ich zurueck nach europe komme :D
