Saturday 28 August 2010

Day 39.

Today was a lazy day for me, or maybe i just need some time off for relaxation. Even though i had proper days off and i didn’t feel tired at all back in Sasayama where i wwoofed, i just need to do nothing for a while. Osaka wasn’t my main goal on my tiny “vacation” between Sasayama and Omaezaki, so i’m taking this time to chill and just enjoy the time, because from monday it’s gonna get busy again - i’m going to Kyoto. I already took some time to read all kinda tourist information and made a list of places i wanna visit. And there’s shitload of spots i wanna go to, so i have to be ready mentally and physically to run through the whole city!! I wish i could stay there longer, but for the first time 2 days are gonna be enough. I’ll set some priorities, in case my list becomes really too long.

It’s strange to be at civilized home after Sasayama, so i still have to get used to this kinda life. Even though my wwoofing there didn’t take that long, it had a strong impact on me. I’m spending couple of days on my own right now and almost the whole week in Tokyo in September, so i just bought a pack of rice, so i could save up some money and just eat simply (like i’m used to already...). And the funny part was, that i subconsciously took pack of brown rice, so every time i cook them now i have Sasayama, our house, every one standing before my eyes. I still get tired early in the evening, even though i started sleeping longer. It’s gonna take a while for me, to go back to normal life and normal rhythm and to be honest - i don’t know if i want to have lots of so called normal life anymore. Another buzz was when i went to the supermarket and wanted to take plenty of vegetables, they were not just expensive (which i have forgotten at all - our fields don’t charge us), but they were totally colourless. I bought a pack of tomatoes however, because i needed some vegetables, but the taste was like paper, the colour of those tomatoes couldn’t possibly be called “red” and the smell is just a hint of the real tomato.

Today however i went for a stroll in a city and my plan was just to visit the park, but it ended in 4 hours exploration, wandering and making pictures, eating a really nice pudding and finding 100 Yen Shop, and cheap Sushi place. And i even didn’t get lost!! Not once! I’m totally proud of myself. It was interesting just to wander around, since i’m in Osaka for the first time, so everything’s new, everything’s catching my eye. So far, for me it’s a city of differences. I’m being reminded again and again how different Japan is from Europe, but even in one city itself you clearly see the differences between neighborhoods. You see almost shattered houses and 10 meters further you find a new block house. You approach the river side and it’s almost like resort’s area - quiet, lost of space, spots where you can just lie down and enjoy the sun, parks. You go back to the main street, which takes you tops 5 minutes and you’re back in city’s chaos, mess and noise.

So on my way back i stumbled on that 100 Yen shop as mentioned above and i was immediately overjoyed! That’s definitely my weak spot... I really had to control myself and bought just some stuff, that i really need, i will use and so it’s not too much. I even didn’t cross 2000 Yen limit, so it’s good. It’s a really good one, so if you’re in Osaka, go to Akagawa’s 100 Yen shop, it’s near Kema, Miyakojima, Shirokita park, Riverside. They also have some food, which is quite convenient, especially bread and jam - those are way more expensive in a regular supermarket. In the evening they sometimes have discounts, so you get tofu or yoghurt really cheap. That’s another tip for those who want to save some money while being in Japan.

I also found a tasty and cheap sort of ice cream, so believe me, even though i’m a big fan of Hagen Diazs, you don’t have to buy that all the time to enjoy ice cream.

Try this one if you have the chance (it’s just 98 Yen!!!):

Dekkaruche (i went for strawberry/blueberry today)


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