Sunday 22 August 2010

Day 31.

Today i feel totally drained. We had a big big big working day. Basically, I did 8 hours with 10 minutes break. The work itself wasn’t too hard, but still - the fact that i wasn’t able to just lay down and relax kinda made me really tired.

Today we did language game with Yumi, so she gets to learn some english and i get to learn some japanese and in the evening she was brave enough to join me and Reiko for an evening swim. What a great girl!

Even though today was a dreadful day because of long work, and even though i found a chance to complain, i cannot say i started disliking this place - quite in opposite, i come to love this place every day more and more. Here i am finally able to block thoughts about normal life pretty well, so i’m just living a dream at the moment and being happy about things and people surrounding me here and now.

My sunburn is still killing me. I cannot move properly, cannot sit, walk, lie down so it’s a big headache, but i will live. I’m not sure about my back, but blisters are starting to form on my legs. I’m a little bit afraid, but damage is done and i guess i just have to leave it be.

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