Tuesday 24 August 2010

Day 35.

Today was my last working day in Sasayama... It's both - nice and unpleasant. It's kinda nice, because i know i'll get almost a week long vacation before my next host, but it makes me sad to realize i'm really leaving. The time here passed by faster than expected. I really hope i'll have the chance to come back again!

For my last day at work i had a really precise work to do, so i was crouching, kneeling and sitting in between the rows the whole day. I had to thin out plants that someone fucked up really big time. When you're doing job like that you really think: what the fuck did someone do here?? You clearly see how much someone care about the job they're doing... It's a pity someone just doesn't give a shit about this place, they come and leave, they just do anything to be in the schedule of those working hours, but they don't really care about our community. What you see in the picture is before and after and for this kinda result you spend hours! And with every plant you tear out you are getting angrier and angrier at that Mister Someone and also, with every plant you think how much could you harvest if that job would have been done right. I had to take about 95% of the plants out and just simply throw them out.

Culmination of those thoughts about how much did we throw out today was a movie called Home, which confronted me not just with beautiful pictures of this planet, but also with the real facts and images of people, bringing this world down.

And after the movie i think about where i am right now and what i'm doing and i'm at ease with my doings at the moment... I know that at the moment, i'm not one of those bad guys. I always liked healthy living, simple foods and i assumed i'm environment conscious and that was true, but i had more thoughts in theory than practice. Wwoofing in Sasayama gave me yet another perspective, it proved to me, that it is possible to live in a different way and i am gonna change a lot in my life after i come back to Europe.

If we talked about food a bit more, today something really simple made me happy. We had bread for lunch and everyone was satisfied because of that! It's so nice to see that people do appreciate things like that, but of course, when we're back to our regular lives, we'll go to the supermarket, throw a pack of bread into our baskets and won't think about appreciation anymore. If people would eat simply at least twice a week, it would already make a difference, but most of the people are so spoiled by all this supermarket consumption culture, that they don't care what they eat, because they know - supermarkets are gonna be always full. But what are we gonna do with full supermarkets, when the whole planet is gonna fail..??

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